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    Greetings!  This message is for prospective May 2009 graduates who believe they have completed (or will complete this term) the requirements for one of the five Curricular Concentrations.

(1) If you believe you have fulfilled the requirements for a Curricular Concentration and wish to have this fact documented by the Law School (by issuance of a certificate), you need to do the following by the end of the Final Exam Period (that is, by no later than May 15th):

a. print out the appropriate Concentration web-page that lists the pertinent requirements;
b. check off the courses that you have completed (or will have completed);
c. submit the page to the Faculty Advisor along with an unofficial transcript;
d. along with the above, provide a post-graduation mailing address.

Also, if you have any questions re the particular Concentration requirements, direct all such questions to the Faculty Advisor concerned. 

(2) The Faculty Advisor will then review the submitted materials & verify whether you have completed the Concentration requirements (to include whether you have done so with "Honors").  The Faculty Advisor will then submit student names (with addresses) to the Dean's Office, which will prepare certificates and/or letters for mailing out as soon as possible. 

(3) As you probably know, the five individual Curricular Concentration web-pages are linked from this page:  

(4) The respective Faculty Advisors for the five Concentrations are as follows:
Criminal Law (Professor Dickey);
Family Law (Professor Brito);
Labor & Employment Law (Professor Clauss);
International Law (Professor Klug);
Estate Planning (Professor Erlanger).

Thank you for your attention.

Submitted by Kevin Kelly, Assistant Dean (Curriculum) on April 28, 2009

This article appears in the categories: Must-Know Info
