The content of this article is more than 5 years old. Please be aware that information provided may no longer be accurate, up-to-date, or relevant.

The Law Library now subscribes to Manupatra, a database of legal research materials from India.
Manupatra includes the full text of cases from the Supreme Court of India, the state High Courts,
and courts during the colonial period. It also includes national and state legislation, bills from the central parliament, committee reports, and more.

Users can search by keyword (“Manu Search”), case number, name of act, and other advanced search options. Case features include catchwords, cases overruled/reversed, links to decisions that discuss or mention your case, and cites to print reporters that publish your case.

From the initial page, click on "IP Users Click Here." Note that access is limited to one user at a time.

Submitted by Sunil Rao, on April 24, 2013

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
