The content of this article is more than 5 years old. Please be aware that information provided may no longer be accurate, up-to-date, or relevant.

The UW Campus now has access to JustCite, a citation research service that allows you to trace the history and update the status of cases, legislation, and journal articles from the UK, Ireland, and the EU (with limited coverage of other common law jurisdictions.) The database includes references to documents from 1163 to the present.

JustCite includes a visual map that displays the relationships between the relevant cases, articles, statutes, etc. Access to the actual documents themselves is limited, but links to full text sources external to JustCite are provided.

To access the database from the initial screen, click on the "Continue to JustCite" button in the middle-right of the page. From the next screen you can search across documents from various sources. There is also an advanced search option that allows you to hone your search.

On this page, you can also find answers to common "How do I" questions, take a "Quick Start Guide" tutorial, and more.

Submitted by Sunil Rao, on September 23, 2011

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
