Did you know you can donate to charity without using any of your own money simply by using a search engine?

Listed below are several search engines that donate part of their advertising revenue to charity whenever you use their search engine or click on an advertisement from their home page. Some charity search engines can even be set up to send you an email reminder to search daily, so those clicks can grow from a few pennies to a good-sized donation.

United States Good Search

Goodsearch.com is a search engine based out of Los Angeles, California and founded by a brother and sister, Ken and J.J. Ramberg. Goodsearch.com donates money to charities by giving away a portion of their advertising revenue to charities every time a user clicks on a sponsor's advertisement. This site is powered by Yahoo! so you should get the same high-quality results you expect from a Yahoo! search.

How to Donate: On the Goodsearch.com homepage, you can select charities that you wish your donation to go to by selecting a charity from a pull-down menu box.

List of Charitable Clicking Sites

Each time you click on one of the web sites listed a donation is made to that specific charity. You will need to click on the donate buttons of their homepage to make your donation. This list was obtained from an article in Smartmoney.com, Charitable Clicking, by Aleksandra Todorva, December 16, 2005.

Don't Forget

To ensure that your charity is one you can trust, remember to check Charity Navigator, a Web site designed to evaluate charities. 

Submitted by Jenny Zook, Reference Librarian on April 4, 2023

This article appears in the categories: Law Library
